I want to optimize the pipe routing

Tested for version beta 0.4.2 of the WarmingUp Design Toolkit.

The tutorial deals with optimizing the topology of a heat network. This tutorial shows the steps to find the answer to the following questions:

  1. How to find the optimal pipe routing (and sizing) of the network?

This tutorial builds upon the preceding tutorial topic I want to simulate an existing network To achieve these results the following packages are used:


Within Computational Framework the Energy Network Topology Optimizer is used.


Within the Computational Framework CHESS is used to simulate the network.


How to find the optimal pipe routing (and sizing) of the network?


1) Go to Optimize-> Pipe layout in the Tasks panel.
2) Click on the ‘Simulation settings’ tab
  1. Click on the ‘Goals and constraints’ tab



Defining the goals:

  1. Open the goals under the tab ‘Goals’

  2. Set the goal to the desired goal, in this case ‘Minimize Pipe Surfaces’

  3. Set the system lifetime in years



Defining the constraints:

  1. Open the ‘Constraints’ tab

  2. Click on the checkboxes to turn on/off specific constraints

  3. Define the constraints as desired (the flow velocities are a pipe characteristic and are defined in the EDR database <Link to EDR>)

  4. Click the ‘Apply’ button



Defining bounds on pipe sizes and selecting the pipe characteristics to be optimized/tuned:

  1. Open the ‘Pipes’ tab

  2. Select the ‘Tune sizing’ and ‘Tune routing via the checkboxes to indicate which pipes are to be evaluated for placement and sizing.

  3. Setting the lower and upper bounds of the pipe sizes (Tip: these can be copied and pasted similar to in excel)



Creating the scenario modifiers

  1. Give the scenario a distinguishable name

  2. Click the ‘Apply’ button to save the scenario modifiers



The desired scenario modifier is now created and can be used in a scenario.



Creating a scenario with the topo-optimizer modifier

  1. Open the tab ‘Scenario composition’

  2. Click on ‘Create’



Creating a scenario with the topo-optimizer modifier

  1. Give the scenario a name

  2. Set the scenario as follows:

    1. Task: select ‘Optimize Pipe layout’

    2. ESDL: select the desired ESDL file

    3. Simulation step: set the time to 1 hour

    4. Apply thermal loss: Leave the box unchecked

    5. Heat Demand profiles: select ‘nothing selected’, as no heat demand is modified

    6. Heat Supply profiles: select ‘nothing selected’, as no heat demand is modified

    7. Heat network model: select ‘nothing selected’, as no CHESS parameters are modified

    8. Goals and constraints: select ‘Minimize Pipe Sizes PN6’

    9. KPIs: select ‘nothing selected’, as no KPI parameters are modified

  3. Click on ‘Apply’ to create the scenario

  4. The scenario has now been created and is ready to run



Viewing the results

There are different ways to inspect the results after optimizing the pipe layout:

  1. Under the tab “Spatial results”:

  1. It is possible to see the optimal inner diameters of the pipelines that are to be laid and the diameters of the


  2. It is possible to see the maximum flow velocity compared to a limit for te pipes are are placed


  1. Under the tab “Other results”:

  1. It is possible to see the optimization results in tabular format
